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The roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) is a big herbivorous mammal and a common game for hunting. It dwells in many Bulgarian forests, but it can be also spotted in the lowlands and in the vicinity of farms.

Your Hunting in Bulgaria team organizes hunting of male roe deers (roebucks) with trophies between 300-400 gr. The antlers are short and straight. Their special characteristic, which sets them apart from the other deers, is that they also grow in the winter.

The graceful roe deer runs fast, but only on short distances. This is why we don't recommend hunting it with dogs. The most suitable period for roe deer hunting is in April and May, when the forest is not in full boom and the grass does not hide the game.

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Hunting season

01/05/2016 - 30/10/2016


Hunting places

Standart price list

From To Price Additional
  up to 250 g €150  
251 g 300 g 150 +€3
301 g 350 g €300 +€4
351 g 400 g €500 +€8
401 g 450 g €900 +€12
above 451 g   €1500 +€30


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Individual price list

From To Price Additional
female €50
yearling €50
  up to 250 g €150  
251 g 300 g €150 +€3*
301 g 350 g €300 +€4*
351 g 400 g €500 +€8*
401 g 450 g €900 +€12*
above 451 g   €1500 +€30*

* Note: For every next gram owerweight.
Trophy paid in euro based on weight measured in kg, upper jaw included.
For trophy above 160 CIC-points, a 10% surcharge has to be paid.


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From To Price Additional
female €150  
yearling €100  
up to 0,250 kg €150  
0,251 kg 0,300 kg €200 +€3
0,301 kg 0,350 kg €350 +€4
0,351 kg 0,400 kg €550 +€9
0,401 kg 0,450 kg €1000 +€10
above 0,451 kg €1500 +€30

* Note: For every next 1 gr.
For trophies above 160.00 CIC Points, another 10 % of the price should be paid in addition.
The trophy fee is calculated according to the weight in kg, measured together with the upper jaw minus 90g.


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From To Price Additional
  up to 250 g €150  
251 g 300 g 150 +€3
301 g 350 g €300 +€4
351 g 400 g €500 +€8
401 g 450 g €900 +€12
above 451 g   €1500 +€30


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